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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Online haiku course starting this week

Spaces for online workshops have been filled for this year. 

Please check with us again in 2013 for a With Words course, by emailing, or check out my haiku and tanka poetry course with Rooster Moans workshop which starts in January 2013: 

Dates for the Rooster Moans online course :

Haiku and Tanka: Amazement & Intensity

Dates: Jan. 7 - Feb. 1, 2013 


Previous message read:

We need another participant for the With Words online haiku course starting this coming week.  Any takers?  We'll give the same as the early bird discount.  This year's online courses have been really well received, but this will be the last one run in 2012.

Please email for more info, including comments from previous participants.  (Or call Karen on 07789 787909.  She's happy to chat to see if the course would suit you.  If you're dialling from outside the UK, please use country code 44, then 7789 787909).  Many thanks!

Monday, September 24, 2012

bones - a journal for new haiku

bones - a journal for new haiku

home page:
submission guidelines:

Free pre-issue PDF of new haiku on the homepage:

bones journal Editors:
Sheila Windsor
Alan Summers
Johannes S. H. Bjerg


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Call for poetry for a new short verse, haiku, tanka, short haibun anthology entitled C.2.2. : Poets may submit up to 5 haiku, tanka, short haibun, free-verse along with a pen name. The anthology will be subtitled short-verse, and we are looking for poems between 1 to 8 lines in length.

“Between loss of identity and loss of name, it's surprising, how when you are referred to by a number, you hurt.” Prisoner KM5451

Yet To Be Named Free Press
is putting together an anthology entitled C.2.2. on the following themes:

•       loss of identity and/or name

•       mental health issues

•       social issues

•       physical health issues

•       unsentimental love

C.2.2. Editors: 
Brendan Slater and Alan Summers

Please scroll down and the rest of the post before submitting your work.

Submissions Email Address:Please submit your work to: 

Poets may submit up to 5 haiku, tanka, short haibun, free-verse along with a pen name.* 

The anthology will be subtitled under short-verse, and we are looking for poems between 1 to 8 lines in length.

Deadline:  30th November 2012.

Send us your darkest and/or most honest work to be considered for the anthology, alongside a pen name (pseudonym)   

We are looking for modern experimental short-verse only.

Submissions Email:
Please submit your work to:

The anthology will contain around 200 poems and will be published in early 2013.

Yet each man kills the thing he loves

By each let this be heard.
Some do it with a bitter look,
Some with a flattering word.
The coward does it with a kiss

From the Ballad of Reading Gaol by Oscar Wildepublished under the pen name/pseudonym of c.3.3. (1898).  It was only until the 7th printing that Wilde’s name was actually revealed.

There is a nod to Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice, where Bassanio asks: "Do all men kill the things they do not love?"

And this appears on Oscar Wilde's tomb;

And alien tears will fill for him,

… [a]nd outcasts always mourn

*Only pen names will be included in the anthology but individual poems may be posted on personal blogs or other social media with the poet's real name.


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